
Here is a list of ways you can help. Some of these opportunities are explained in further details below the list.

Ongoing Opportunities

Salvation Army Food Truck

1st Sunday of the Month, 5:00pm meet at Aldersgate. Contact: David Ezell (

Hope on Wheels

Cooking and serving dinner from food truck at Weatherly Elementary, 2nd Monday of the month, 2:00pm cooking, 4:30pm serving. Contact: Lydia Locke (

Backpack Meals for School Children

Pack up weekend meals for children on free school lunch programs during the week. Gather on 4th Thursday of the month 7-8pm in the Fellowship Hall. Contact: Cammie Hurley (

Picnic in the Park

Serving a free lunch to children and families during June & July, Monday-Friday 11am-12:45pm at Ken Johnston Park. Sandwich making Sundays and Wednesdays at 6pm. Learn more about Picnic in the Park. Contact: Lydia Locke (

Huntsville Assistance Program (HAP)

Collect non-perishable food items the 2nd Sunday. Drop off shelf in narthex

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Knit/crochet prayer shawls the church blesses and gives away. Contact: Diane Carson (

Children Ministry/Nursery

Weekly and seasonal opportunities to help with our programs for children. Contact: Ellyn Smith (

Youth Ministry

Weekly and seasonal opportunities to help with our programs for youth. Contact: Tim Tatum (

Seasonal/Short Term Opportunities

Keep your eyes open for the following outreach efforts during the year. You will see them posted in our newsletter, the announcement slides before church services, and mentioned during services.

  • Habitat for Humanity Build: We are a part of a build in the spring/summer of 2019. Contact: Phil Patterson (
  • Shoe Boxes at Christmas
  • Christmas for Children/Angel Tree
  • International Mission Trips with Heart of Christ and SIFAT every 2 years.
  • Youth mission trips every summer

Picnic in the Park

Picnic in the Park offers healthy sack lunches to all who need them each summer when school is out.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance.


Heart of Christ Ministry in Honduras

In response to God’s call in Zechariah 7:9-10, Heart of Christ Ministry in Honduras, founded by Reverend Lee and Gracie Murphree, has served the victims of violence in Honduras for over 12 years.


2018: A Year of Missions

There are many ways that Aldersgate UMC helps those in our community, country, and around the world. Here is a summary of how we’ve served those around us in 2018.

Read 2018 Report